This can be a time of reflection, resolutions or just a commitment to bring something new into our life.
We envision a goal and how we might go about bringing it into our realm and then the fear of failure, rejection or financial commitment stops us before the dream even has a chance to blossom into something amazing.
Fear of failure often leads to underachieving for children as well as adults, no one it seems wants to be seen as a failure.
We desperately hold on to this fear and this can dampen a successful career change, creating a new business or just deciding that something that is present in our life no longer has a legitimate place. We can miss an opportunity to create something beautiful.
The art of non attachment can often be a difficult concept.
Asking my client to let go and just embrace what happens creates a look of confusion, disbelief and out right what the hell does that mean?
Non-attachment is a powerful tool so strong it can almost be described as why are we not all living in a untethered, non attached way of life.
The answer is simple, the concept is far too advanced for most of us to grasp. Asking someone to let go of their worries or let go of their fear is almost unfathomable.
We hold on tight to negative beliefs, negative spaces and ultimately negative souls, making it our life's mission to stay firmly rooted in unhelpful thoughts that distort our vision and distract us from our true path.
We want to hold these negative beliefs about what we cannot achieve close to us as if the enemy needs always be in close sight.
This rigidity and tightening often leads to anxiety and negative thinking, of course it would, we are literally holding this distorted view of ourselves close to our hearts.
Non- attachment offers an opportunity to lighten our hearts and minds so they can work as they are truly intended, in natural harmony together, not one with more power than the other.
Heart, mind and spirit.
This can only happen when we let go of the distorted stories, we tell ourselves and the limits we place on our ability to change our path.
We need to be prepared to welcome the uncomfortable and unfamiliar; the synergy of letting go can commence.
Let go of the last 12 months, let go of self-doubt, let go of self-judgment, and let go of all that doesn't serve you in the coming 12 months.
Let go of the 2024 version of you and welcome with open arms the version of you that is full of loving kindness and gratitude for your failed attempts and your imperfections.
Let go of the belief that change is impossible or that you are stuck.
Non-attachment simply means. I am here; I am open.
Let my true path unfold before me without judgment.
I allow myself to be drawn to my North Star.
What you don't heal you pass on.
Be well,